
Linux Server backup

In order to keep your data safe in case of a failure or hacker attacks, they must be archived from time to time. The data that you have archived must be stored on a separate hard drive so that in case...

How to install CheckMK on Linux Server

Any server requires constant monitoring and settings due to which it will be safe to use. And if applications are initially installed on the Windows server, with the help of which you can track the pe...

Installing WordPress on linux

In this article, we will look at how to install and configure WordPress on linux. We will go through all the points from updating the server to configuring the web server and wordpress itself.An examp...

Windows And Linux which one is better?

Every user once asks himself the question: Which is better to use Linux or Windows?This is the question you will find the answer to in this article. Here we will look at the pros and cons of a Wi...

What are Snap, Snap Store and Snapcraft and why are they needed?

​Let's deal with everything that concerns Snap in order.Snap is a package of applications and their dependencies that works unchanged on many different Linux distributions.Snap Store is an applicati...