What is Neo4j and how to use it?


We all know that databases are an integral aspect in any business, it is important to know which databases there are, how to work with them, what advantages they have and when it will be convenient to use one of them. 

In this article, we will return to viewing databases and consider a graph database called Neo4j. Let's find out what it is, what features there are, how to install it on the server. About everything just below 

What is Neo4j? 

Neo4j is an open source graph DBMS, which is written in Java and Scala, and is considered the most common graph DBMS. It is based on the mathematical theory of graphs, but what kind of theory it is and how exactly it works, we will not explain, yet we are not here for this. But in short, graph databases are a set of objects that are interconnected by edges (relationships). It looks something like this:



Each object (Circles) will store information, which in turn has some relations with other objects, which will be shown. 

In general, graph DBMS are very convenient to use due to their visual design and because it is immediately clear in them who inherits from what and what relationships they have.  

Where is it used? 

Usually these databases are used in logistics, social networks and much more. 


There are quite a lot of advantages in this DBMS because of which you will want to use it. For example: 

  • Programming language support 
  • User-friendly interface 
  • Extensions 
  • Custom query language 

These are just some of the advantages that Neo4j will provide you with in your work. 


Of course, this product is not completely free, or rather, it has a community license (free) and a professional license that you can purchase for your needs. The differences between these licenses are not huge and therefore we will not describe them here. 

Installation method 

In order to install Neo4j, you will need a place where it can be placed. We did it on our VPS server and filmed everything on video



Neo4j is a very convenient NoSQL DBMS that helps the user to quickly deal with a large amount of data and their relationships. You will be able to make visually pleasing relationships between different objects without resorting to using a large number of commands.